Thursday 15 April 2010


I'm sorry about the long break... It's been a while, 'cause I've been on holiday and then I've been real busy since I got back. And the Wi-Fi there is lame...

Also, I got a new laptop - Dell and light blue. They didn't have a seventeen inch with Windows 7 in green or purple (my favourite colours, of course) ... But it's still amazing. On the downside, I can't get Wizard101 to install... I'm working on it, though... (EDIT: Yep, got it!)

I almost did Big Ben last night. Got up to floor 13, and then I had to go to bed... I did the Counterweights quite quickly, though, considering... Nat helped me a lot...

I'll try Ben again later. I really want to get into Mooshu. Really really REALLY want to get into Mooshu. So I sorta skipped all the sidequests... Which was probably a bad idea because now I won't be able to use any Mooshu gear... So I might just have to go back and do some. :P

I think that's all for now... I think I'll go do Big Ben.

I need to think of a good ending to my posts. How about... Over and out? Maybe... The Diviner is out? Too generic... Um, I'll think about it.

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