Firstly, happy birthday to Nat for, well, more than a week ago now. His birthday was on the 7th, so, yep, very much belated... He got crowns, I think, with which he has bought (so far, as I am aware) swiftshadow wings, an earth walker, and he was planning on getting the Overlord set, I think...
Next, and I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but, erm, I'm on holiday, or vacation, or whatever, in France, and I've been here for about three days now. And I was so busy packing and such before we were going I forgot to mention it, so now I'm using a laptop with a really bad connection and annoyingly laggy typing to quickly make this post before the wi-fi card runs out (don't ask, it's a really strange system)...
As nice as France is, though, this unfortunately means I have no Wizard101 time (partly because of the bad connection but mostly because this computer doesn't have it installed) and therefore very little to post about. That is, if I was able to post, because this connection is really really (darn-it-just-went-again-now-I-have-to-wait-until-I-get-more-signal-argh!) bad, and I don't know if we can get another wi-fi card when this runs out...
Anyway, I have to wrap this up pretty quickly, so...
Diviner OUT!