Saturday, 10 December 2011

The First Day of AWESOME: Is the plural of moose "meese" or what?

On the first day of awesome this here wiz presents:
A post excusing her long absence.


So... I did it! I won NaNoWriMo. Whaddayaknow? Genuinely, I am really proud of myself. But YOU GUYS. :D :D :D What was better than winning NaNo was you guys saying it. Slightly cheesy, but nonetheless awesome. You're all wonderful.

That said... The story's not going online. It's not getting published. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's pretty much irredeemable - but that's okay. I'm not the best at writing, and while NaNo was a brilliant experience (who knew I could actually do that when I can't even blog regularly?!), my novel is nowhere near ready for the internet to see it, and I'm not much of an editor, if I'm honest, so, for a good while at least, it's staying put. At the bottom of my 'Stories' folder.

Anyway, since then I've had three controlled assessments, two projects, one maths exam, one saxophone exam (merit!), and two concerts (one of which involved me playing three times in the space of five acts, no exaggeration). Just a little bit to keep me busy, I suppose. So I haven't posted for almost a month... Oop...


In the nick of time, I found out that the Twelve Days of Wizard commences... TODAY! (By the in nick of time, I mean twenty minutes ago.) So you know what I'm gonna do?

I mean, other than celebrate by reinstating the MSPaint Christmas Header?


I'm blogging every day again!

Now, I'm not saying that this is definitely happening. Heck, I still have a week of school, after which I'm headed to Wales for the weekend. But I'm going to do my best to post every day, even if it's just to say how lame I am for having a one-line post every other day. Still! It's gonna be fun, right? Right?

Exactly. Now, I'm going to go and edit that little Xmas header and eat a mince pie. Nom.

Diviner OUT!

P.S. Is it just mooses (moose) (meese) (mice--no) you have for Christmas? We have reindeer. You have reindeer, right? (If not, you're missing out BIG TIME.)


  1. Cheesy? Please, it was epic.
    I may live in the north but I hardly ever see moose and not even CLOSE to reindeer.
    One more reason to go to Europe!!
    Oh, and I can't see half of your header. Maybe because I don't have access to my own laptop with a big screen (*cough, dad, cough*) so I get stuck with an annoying little screened netbook.

    Anywho, I should check the 12 days of wizards thing and wish a Merry Christmas to you too!

    P.S. I finally got the Hunger Games website to work and I got in District 4 too! I think I'm a... let me go check.
    *Acquiring signal*
    *Logging in*
    *View pass card thing*
    Ah ha! I'm a Deckhand. Oh yeah, swabbing and waxing and all that other stuff. Yay.

  2. I'M A DECKHAND TOO! We can swab and wax together! Yay, swabbing buddies!

    And it's not your computer... The header's just broken. So I'm going to have to fix that. YAY, fixing!

    :D :D :D


Oh, are you going to comment? That's great! Go on! Don't let me distract you. Just type away...